Starlit Stonehenge. Image credit Jane Tomlinson

A few days ago this exciting solstice event was mentioned in English Heritage’s news

Trouble is, months ago the OTHER joint organisers, the Royal Astronomical Society, made sure astronomy buffs knew all about it so they were all well aware of the joint website about it and the need to book a place early.  You can still go to the exhibition but the bit that needed booking was this:

“On each of the four evenings, a maximum of 48 people will have the opportunity to visit the interior of the stone circle after sunset, which is not normally allowed. Guided by astronomers and archaeologists, you will enter the site at 16:30, as the sky is darkening, and be able to remain until 17:30.”

Pre-booking was stressed as essential and guess what? Tickets got snapped up. And now  the joint website says (unsurprisingly) “We regret that bookings are now closed.”

We wonder how many of the 4×48 lucky ticket holders are astronomy buffs and how many are megaraks? And have the megaraks been well served? After all, arguably, this is the best event that has been held at Stonehenge for millenia! Is the view of the stars from inside Stonehenge more significant to astronomy enthusiasts than to  prehistory enthusiasts? Are YOU going? Did you even get the chance?