The National Council for Metal Detecting has announced it is to drop its Code of Conduct in favour of the official one, the Code of practice for responsible metal detecting, making it compulsory for all members to report all their finds to the Portable Antiquities Scheme!

The NCMD Chairman has made this public statement explaining the decision:

“This Code is both fair and practical. By adhering to this Code the vast majority of metal-detectorists will be able to demonstrate that they have a genuine interest in the past and wish to benefit from the knowledge they gain from their hobby. The National Council for Metal Detecting will be replacing its existing Code, a part of its Constitution, with the new one.  Adherence to the Code when metal detecting is a condition of membership”

Since the vast majority of detectorists are NCMD members or in clubs affiliated to it this represents a truly massive step forward and will mean an instant huge reduction in the amount of heritage knowledge being lost. We congratulate NCMD unreservedly, as should everyone.


More Heritage Action views on metal detecting and artefact collecting
